The ecological funeral concept

Thanks to its significant contribution to the environment, Forêt de la Seconde Vie is a unique concept that is revolutionizing the funeral industry.

Honor your deceased in kind

Our goal is to acquire other sites to make this environmentally-friendly option available to all Quebecers.

The significance of the forest and trees in relation to their attachment to the land represents our vision of rootedness.

Forest zone
Ecoforest cemetery

We want to offer families a place where they can create beautiful moments in their lives, and eventually see them transformed into sweet memories.

It's a new way of doing and thinking that's natural, simple and necessary for future generations.

Our technology
Celebrate your deceased loved ones

Concept developed in collaboration with a team of natural territory planners including biologist, forestry engineer, climate change specialist and geographer from the Institut des territoires.

This conservation organization produced a management concept integrating a forest management component, as well as strategic analyses that enabled us to draw up a complete portrait of the site, including its fauna and habitats, flora, recreational potential and future trends in land protection.

We have implemented this plan in such a way as to enable the creation of an exceptional forest environment which, in the context of climate change and the collapse of the planet's biodiversity, will contribute to reversing these major upheavals for the benefit of future generations. At the end of this vast eco-social reforestation project, the new ecosystems created will be magnificent environments for visitors and unique for wildlife.

To date, we are the only site in Quebec with the necessary authorizations for the burial of ashes to have grafted a forest conservation servitude onto our project to ensure the preservation and protection of the forest in perpetuity.

Our design concept, combined with our geolocation technology, makes for an attractive, lively experience.

Forest zone

An exceptional natural setting for a loved one

Each forest zone features tree species carefully selected according to the characteristics of the area in question (soil type, location, sunshine, etc.), but also with the aim of creating different atmospheres to suit a variety of personalities. Choose the area and tree species that best symbolize the person who will be taking root.


Woody sighs

Woody sighs

Woody sighs

An introspective forest with visual characteristics, featuring trees with sloping branches. An atmosphere of peace, sadness and murmuring.

This forest represents benevolence, family, patience, resilience and rebirth. 


Balsam forest

Feature two

Balsam forest

a forest that inspires healing through its olfactory characteristics. Trees known for their production of phytocides and fragrant flowering shrubs.

This forest represents loyalty, positivism, empathy, abundance and elegance.


A forest of colors

Feature three

A forest of colors

A forest of wide-spreading trees, inspiring flamboyance based on visual characteristics such as color and play of light.

This forest represents self-transcendence, generosity, strength, love and luck.


Nurturing forest

Feature four

Nurturing forest

Forest made up of species that produce fruit and generate wildlife habitat; summer for birds, autumn for rodents.

This forest represents divinity, mutual aid, balance, appreciation, wisdom and reconciliation.


Perpetual gardens

Feature four

Perpetual gardens

A forest focused on resilience in the face of climate change, pollution, ageing, etc. Trees of youth, immortality and venerability.

This forest represents peace, healing, hope, versatility, wealth and energy.

Why become
a tree?

Studies show that a tree absorbs an average of 25 kg of CO2 per year. Based on this figure, we can confirm that the planting of 7,000 trees will enable us to capture nearly 175 tonnes of carbon annually through the reforestation of our first site. 

Let's put down roots and take part collectively in this ecological success!

The benefits of tree planting :

oxygen production ;

air purification ;

combating soil erosion and improving water quality ;

regulation of extreme temperature variations ;

protection against heat and rain ;

protection against wind and noise.

The tree also symbolizes growth and resilience.

According to a recent study published by theUN, the best way to combat climate change is through the sequestration of carbon dioxide by trees. Trees absorb CO2 when they photosynthesize, which can go a long way towards offsetting gas emissions in urban environments.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now."

Numbers that speak for themselves

With the number of deaths in Quebec set to exceed the number of births within the next 20 years, the funeral industry is preparing to welcome a growing clientele.

Every year for the past five years, the number of deaths has remained stable at around 70,000, but will increase significantly over the coming decades as the population ages.

According to demographic trends, Quebec will pass the symbolic milestone of 100,000 annual deaths in 2043.

Each of our rooting systems protects an area of 196 square feet (14'X14').

If, at that time, all the future deceased were to opt to take root at the foot of a tree in a commemorative plot in one of our cemeteries, this would enable the planting of 100,000 trees a year, as well as the long-term protection of over 19 million square feet of forest.

It's a great legacy for future generations, but also a great goal for us as a community.

Call or write to us

Call us or write to us now for any information you may require.

Schedule a virtual meeting

Talk to a member of our team from the comfort of your own home.

Visit the Forest in person

Visit us on site to discover the Forest and the services we offer (by appointment).