Eastern Hemlock

This tree represents patience and preservation.

For many native communities in southern Quebec, the Eastern Hemlock was a sign of warmth and security. Its broad, dense crown provided shelter for travelers on winter expeditions. What's more, its needles yielded a comforting herbal tea, and its delicate twigs could be used as mattresses. 

A very large tree native to eastern North America, it can sometimes reach over 50 meters in height and 1.5 meters in diameter at the stump. Very shade-tolerant and slow-growing, this tree can wait several decades under dominant trees before fully unfolding. When it does, the hemlock reveals its magnificent conical crown, up to 12 metres wide. Several species of birds and small mammals inhabit the cavities of old specimens. The hemlock is Quebec's least cold-resistant conifer, which explains its rather limited distribution. Its roots adapt to the soil, growing both laterally and deeply. In the right environment, it can live up to 1,000 years.

This tree represents patience and preservation.

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