Sargent cherry

This tree represents love and acceptance.

The Sargent Cherry is native to Japan, where it plays an important role in heralding spring. The flowers, called "Sakura", have a lifespan of around two weeks, recalling the movement of life and its ephemeral nature. At this time of year, the Japanese gather with family and friends to celebrate and observe the beauty of this tree. This tradition is called "hanami" , which literally translates as "looking at the flowers". This cherished moment has lasted for over a thousand years. The message of the Sargent Cherry is pure and simple: take care of your loved ones and admire the life that happens around you. This is the power of this tree which, without words, brings us back to basics.

The Sargent Cherry offers us a year-round spectacle of color. Beginning in spring with delicate pink blossoms, it gives way to purplish foliage that turns green in summer. When autumn arrives, the cherry tree warms our eyes with reds and oranges. In winter, its smooth, shiny brown bark continues to prove that the Sargent Cherry is a delicate tree. While in Japan it's often found in the mountains, in North America it's found in parks, cemeteries and other suitable spaces to pause, admire and commemorate.

This tree represents love and acceptance.

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